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Magentout is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Magento & Checkout Integration

This application is a bridge between Magento & Checkout POS. Currently it's to enable real-time inventory syncing from Checkout POS to Magento. This application uses the magja library which is a java/magento API bridge.

The way it works is that using PostgreSQL notifications the Java Application (checkout-listener) sits and waits for product change notifications. When a notification is heard, the listener will InventoryAdapter will fire and run through it's process to see which items have changed & sync with Magento API.

This application is in alpha state.

Current Features

  • Upload simple products
  • Upload product changes quantity, price, cost, description
  • Upload complex variated products
  • Upload and set new/existing attributes
  • Set Magento configurable products
  • Link configurable & simple products

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Checkout http://checkoutapp.com/
  2. Install Magento from branch which I've forked (https://github.com/esklein/magento) - This contains API extensions which are needed.
  3. Checkout this project (magentout) & (magja) - both exist on my github.
  4. Run Checkout - Connect to local PostgreSQL instance and determine the database name which was created by Checkout
  5. Run DBScript.sql script in the postgres instance against the checkout DB.
  6. Modify ConnectionManager.java in this project specifying database name / host information.
  7. Open magentout/magja in eclipse - Run 'CheckoutLsitener.java'. Watch as you add/update products in Checkout, they'll update in Magento.

If you have any questions at all feel free to email me at [email protected] - I'll help as best I can.