Home > mail_logger


Mail_logger is a project mainly written in ..., based on the MIT license.

h1. Mail Logger

Braindead-simple email logger for ActionMailer using ActiveRecord

h2. Gem Installation for Rails 2.1+

In config/environment.rb:

config.gem "fusionary-mail_logger",
  :lib     => "mail_logger",
  :source  => "http://gems.github.com"

h2. Generator

Ensure the environment's database is present and then run

script/generate mail_logger

This will generate the migration and generate the MailLog ActiveRecord model.

The model includes a module that attaches all the necessary code, allowing you to add other code (named scopes, etc) without interference

h2. Ultra-Transparent

You could install this gem and not notice anything different with your application. It sits in the background, dumping all emails that get sent to your database. The to, from, and subject line, as well as created_at, are all indexed for your querying pleasure. Set up named scopes to search fields, or aggregate all common subjects and allow administrator accounts to filter/view them. Whatever the case, the data is yours; whipping together the controller and setting permissions is the easy part.

h2. About

The purpose of this is to provide a simple audit trail, specific to ActionMailer, for Rails apps. Without much work, you could write a controller and some views and then monitor the emails sent out; that's really beyond the scope of this project though.

Copyright (c) 2009 Fusionary Media, released under the MIT license
