Home > Mailto-Fastmail


Mailto-Fastmail is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Google Chrome extension to open mailto: links with Fastmail.

Google Chrome extension to open mailto: links with Fastmail.

The icon is adapted from the official Fastmail logo:


Before using it, you must do two things:

First, create fastmail_48 and fastmail_16 icons by resizing the fastmail_128 icon.

Then, add the JQuery and JQuery-UI files to the /jquery directory. You need to at least be able to run the jquery-ui autocomplete and button widgets with the Redmond theme.

Some files will probably have to be renamed. If you get the jquery files from Themeroller, then the files to rename will probably be:

* jquery/js/jquery-VERSION.min.js to

* jquery/themes/redmond/jquery-ui-VERSION.custom.css to

* jquery/js/jquery-ui-VERSION.custom.min.js to