Home > map-exception


Map-exception is a project mainly written in CLOJURE and JAVA, it's free.

Use maps as exceptions


Use maps as exceptions. This is a exploratory implementation of what an error handling library could look like. For the whole story, please see http://dev.clojure.org/display/design/Error+Handling

This lib is available on Clojars: [map-exception "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Syntax Examples

(use '[se.raek.map-exception :only (try+ throw-map try-multi try-multi-hierarchy)])

(defn do-something []
  (println "in the finally clause"))

(defn throwing-code []
  (throw-map {:type ::foo-error, :message "Invalid Foo"}))

  (catch ::foo-error m
    (str "got a foo error: " (:message m)))
  (catch ::bar-error m
    (str "got a bar error: " (:message m)))
  (catch RuntimeException e
    (str "got a runtime exception: " (.getMessage e)))
  (catch Exception e
    (str "got an exception: " (.getMessage e)))

;; The above expands to:

    (catch ::foo-error m
      (str "got a foo error: " (:message m)))
    (catch ::bar-error m
      (str "got a bar error: " (:message m))))
  (catch RuntimeException e
    (str "got a runtime exception: " (.getMessage e)))
  (catch Exception e
    (str "got an exception: " (.getMessage e)))

(defn other-throwing-code []
  (throw-map {:message "Some message.", :a 1, :b 2, :c 3}))

(try-multi (juxt :a :b :c)
  (catch [1 2 3] {:keys [message]}
    (str "one-two-three: " message))
  (catch [4 5 6] {:keys [message]}
    (str "four-five-six: " message))


Copyright (C) 2010 Rasmus Svensson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.