Home > map256


Map256 is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Public repository for map256.com

Map256 Google App Engine code

Map256 is a basic web application to plot travel path and visualize history of Foursquare/Twitter/Flickr/etc geodata. All items needed (except for OAuth consumer keys / secrets) are contained in this repository. The LICENSE file indicates what this is distributed under (basically MIT-style "you're on your own").

Disclaimer for anyone questioning my sanity and fitness to live after reading through this code: I have never written anything in Python, Javascript, or using Google App Engine before, so if something doesn't follow normal conventions (coughspaces vs tabscough) or seems completely misguided, it's more likely due to ignorance or expedience than an unwillingness to do the Right Thing (tm). Hate mail and coding suggestions can be directed to [email protected]

Recipe to recreate:

1) Checkout a copy of this repo 2) Create a Google App Engine account & target application (http://appengine.google.com) 3) Gather all of the appropriate application keys (indicated below) 4) Deploy this code to GAE

To get all the keys you need, create a file, "m256_cfg.py" in the top level directory, and place the correct keys in each var:


twitter_consumer_key = 'xxx' twitter_consumer_secret = 'xxx'


foursquare_consumer_key = 'xxx' foursquare_consumer_secret = 'xxx'


flickr_api_key = 'xxx' flickr_api_secret = 'xxx' flickr_api_sig = 'xxx'


gowalla_api_key = 'xxx' gowalla_api_secret = 'xxx'