Home > Mapatorious


Mapatorious is a project mainly written in JAVA and CLOJURE, based on the View license.

Generation of city maps for imaginary environments

Building and running are with "Leiningen":http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen. We use "Penumbra":http://github.com/ztellman/penumbra for Clojure-native OpenGL work. We target Penumbra 0.6 and Clojure 1.2. Leiningen should automagically handle all the dependencies for you.

Resolve dependencies:

lein deps lein native-deps

Open up a REPL and require some of the test packages to see how they work:

lein repl (require 'some.test)

Check the project.clj and Google for Leiningen settings for build configuration options.
