Home > changelog


Changelog is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Creates and stores changelog in yaml file. Allows to get stories from pivotal tracker.

h2. Changelog "!https://secure.travis-ci.org/martins/changelog.png!":http://travis-ci.org/martins/changelog

This project is designed as rails engine, it will collect stories from pivotaltracker and display them as changelog.


include in gemfile gem 'changelog'

    If you also want to use rake tasks to automatically get user stories from PivotalTracker, include 'pivotal-tracker' gem in your gemfile

    If you want to include PivotalTracker feature:

    run from console:
    rails generate changelog
    it will create initializer file
    edit created initializer file. It should be in 'config/initializers/pivotaltracker.rb'
    If you are using git, you may also want to include this file in .gitignore

    You can add links in your app to these routes

    /changelog/release_notes - to display all versions with their user stories (only versions with at least one story will be displayed)
    /changelog/current_release - to display only latest release (by release_date) (only versions with at least one story will be displayed)

    Changelog creates two rake tasks:

    rake changelog:build[label]
    This allows to get from PivotalTracker user stories with given label.
    This also automatically creates changelog_version in changelog.yml file with name set to given label an date set to 'Unreleased'
    rake changelog:release
    This searches changelog.yml file and sets 'Unreleased' date values to current date.

    You are ready to go!

IMPORTANT All data will be saved in changelog.yml file in your application root directory. You can open it and change contents in any text editor. changelog.yml file should be included in your version management system (for example: git) You can find example of changelog.yml file in spec/dummy directory of this engine


In order to change views, just create in your main app folder views with same name and path.
Existing views: