Home > masonx-leakguard-object


Masonx-leakguard-object is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

NAME MasonX::LeakGuard::Object - report memory leaks (objects) per request

SYNOPSIS use MasonX::LeakGuard::Object; %MasonX::LeakGuard::Object::OPTIONS = ( exclude => [ 'utf8', 'HTML::Mason::*', 'Devel::StackTrace', ], hide_arguments => [ 'pass', 'password', ], ); my @MasonParameters = ( ... plugins => [qw(MasonX::LeakGuard::Object)], );

DESCRIPTION This is plugin for HTML::Mason based applications that helps you find memory leaks in OO code. It uses Devel::LeakGuard::Object framework for that.

OPTIONS It's possible to use all options leakguard function in Devel::LeakGuard::Object supports. Look at "SYNOPSIS" for example.

Some additional options are supported.

on_leak on_leak option can be used to customize report or redirect to custom log, for example:

    %MasonX::LeakGuard::Object::OPTIONS = (
        on_leak => sub {
            my ($report, %args) = @_;
            MyApp->logger->error( $args{'message'} );

First argument is the report structure (read more on it in
Devel::LeakGuard::Object). To make life easier more data is passed into
your function as a hash. The hash contains:

formatted - formatted report, a text table.
message - formatted default message containg description, request path,
request arguments and report. For example:
        Leak(s) found after request to '/index.html' with $ARGS1 = [
        Leaked objects:
          Class          Before  After  Delta
          MyApp::Class        0      1      1

path - request path.
arguments - request arguments, array reference.

hide_arguments It's possible to specify list of arguments names to hide from reports, for example:

    %MasonX::LeakGuard::Object::OPTIONS = (
        hide_arguments => [
            'pass', 'password',

FALSE POSITIVES It's possible that false positives are reported, for example if a compontent has ONCE block where you cache some values on first request. Most caches will generate false positive reports, but it's possible to use options of function leakguard in Devel::LeakGuard::Object. Look at "SYNOPSIS" for example and "OPTIONS" for additional details.

To avoid many false positives the module as well ignores first request
to a path.

Sure it doesn't protect you from all cases.

AUTHOR Ruslan Zakirov [email protected]

LICENSE Under the same terms as perl itself.
