Home > massive-record-paperclip


Massive-record-paperclip is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

MassiveRecord module that enables Paperclip

MassiveRecord::Paperclip - Making Paperclip play nice with HBase via MassiveRecord

This Readme and project is adaptation of Mongoid::Paperclip for HBase using MassiveRecord Original GEM: https://github.com/meskyanichi/mongoid-paperclip

As the title suggests: MassiveRecord::Paperclip makes it easy to hook up Paperclip with massive_record.

This is actually easier and faster to set up than when using Paperclip and the ActiveRecord ORM. This example assumes you are using Ruby on Rails 3 and Bundler. However it doesn't require either.

Please Note I have only tested this using Amazon S3

Setting it up

Simply define the couchrest-paperclip gem inside your Gemfile. Additionally, you can define the aws-s3 gem if you want to upload your files to Amazon S3. You do not need to explicitly define the paperclip gem itself, since this is handled by couchrest-paperclip.

Rails.root/Gemfile - Just define the following:

gem "massive-record-paperclip", :require => "massive_record_paperclip", :git => 'git://github.com/jamiltao/massive-record-paperclip.git'
gem "aws-s3",            :require => "aws/s3"

Next let's assume we have a User model and we want to allow our users to upload an avatar.

Rails.root/app/models/user.rb - include the MassiveRecord::Paperclip module and invoke the provided class method

class User < MassiveRecord::ORM::Table
  include MassiveRecord::Paperclip

  has_attached_file :avatar,
    :storage => :s3,
    :s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
    :path => ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename"


That's it

That's all you have to do. Users can now upload avatars. Unlike ActiveRecord, MassiveRecord doesn't use migrations, so we don't need to define the Paperclip columns in a separate file. Invoking the has_attached_file method will automatically define the necessary :avatar fields for you in the background.