Home > Edges


Edges is a project mainly written in ..., based on the GPL-2.0 license.

a fork of Edges to save a bunch of syntax tweaks I made to get it to compile on Ubuntu

$Id: README,v 1.1 2000/09/17 07:35:17 vchma Exp $


  1. make sure that on the same dir level as "src" under "Edges", you have these directories:

  2. make sure you have a env variable called "EDGES" pointing to the base directory were "src" sits. mine at home is

  3. The executable you get after you compiled everything will sit in $EDGES/src/silhouette (called silhouette for historical reason.. will probably change soon) if you run it, you will see an interface like you will see in the screen shot section. by default it will show nothing until you load in a model. If you do, and it loaded successfully, the default is for the program to display the stripified version of the model.

  4. you can use the mouse to rotate the model around

     left button = rotate
     mid button = pan
     right button = zoom
  5. if you unpress hidden line you will see the original mesh outlines in blue.

  6. don't worry about the other UI widgets.. they may or may not work for you. If they do, you will the the silhouette edges of the model.
