Home > mattscilipoti-model_steps


Mattscilipoti-model_steps is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Step Definitions for cucumber which support ActiveRecord Models

= mattscilipoti-model_steps

Attempt to answer 4 needs:

  1. Support creation of models with attributes
  2. Uniquely identify models in cucumber steps
  3. Reference associated models
  4. Support factory derivations i.e. user_admin, user_manager


Assume: User belongs_to Organization User has_many Courses Course belongs_to Topic User has_friendly_id :login

Note: it is dependent on friendly_id: http://github.com/norman/friendly_id

General: a step that ends in colon (:) expects a cucumber table.

  1. Support creation of models with attributes Given these Users exist: |login |first_name |last_name | |tester |joe |tester | |anon |John |Doe |
    • only one row is required. Works the same for one, or more, rows.

This will call: Factory(:user, :login => 'tester', :first_name => 'joe', :last_name => 'tester') Factory(:user, :login => 'anon', :first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Doe')

Comparison: pickle: Single:
Given a user exists with login: "tester", first_name: "joe", last_name: "tester"

Given the following Users exist
  |login  |first_name |last_name |
  |tester |joe        |tester    |
  |anon   |John       |Doe       |

factory_girl: Given

  1. Uniquely identify models in cucumber steps Model:friendly_id User:Matt

Possible options: User:"Matt" User|matt

  1. Reference associated models A. utilize associations in tables Given these people exist: |name |organization | |Matt |Dept. A|

This will identify that 'role' is an association and perform the equivalent of: Role.find_by_name('Admin') || Factory(:role, :name => 'Admin') #using Factory(:role, Topic.friendly_column_name => 'Admin')

B. ModelA has many ModelBs Given User:Matt has these Courses: |name |topic | |B101 |Biology | |CS101 |CompSci |

  Factory(:user, :course => :name => 'B101', :topic => Topic.find('Biology') || Factory(:topic, Topic.friendly_column_name => 'biology'))
  Factory(:user, :course => :name => 'CS101', :topic => Topic.find('CompSci'))
  1. Support factory derivations i.e. user_admin, user_manager Given this User(Admin) exists: |first_name | |Jane |

Executes: Factory(:user_admin, :name => 'Jane')

Given a User(with associations) exists

Executes: Factory(:user_with_associations)

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

== Thanks for your help and patches!

ccahoon, ngauthier

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009-10 Matt Scilipoti. See LICENSE for details.
