Home > acts_as_solr


Acts_as_solr is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

acts_as_solr active_record plugin to make your active_record models indexable using the Solr full text search tool

This plugin SHOULD NOT be used anymore, please use Sunspot

acts_as_solr Rails plugin

This plugin adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache's Solr to any Rails model. It was based on the first draft by Erik Hatcher.

Current Release

The current stable release is v1.0 and was released on 20-05-2009.

This plugin is intended as a way to "upgrade" and older or incompatible version of acts_as_solr you might be using. It's unlikely that I'm going to add new features to this specific fork and if you're starting up a new project and want to use Solr you should definitely look for http://github.com/outoftime/sunspot/


Please refer to the CHANGE_LOG


script/plugin install git://github.com/mauricio/acts_as_solr.git


  • Java Runtime Environment(JRE) 1.5 aka 5.0 or higher http://java.sun.com/


  • Fully compatible with will_paginate view helpers and :page/:per_page options
  • Using Solr 1.3.0

Things to be done

  • Examples using the "did you mean?" feature


Maurício Linhares (mauricio dot linhares AT gmail dot com)

Original Authors

  • Erik Hatcher
  • Thiago Jackiw

Release Information

Released under the MIT license.

Migrating from older versions

If you're migrating from older acts_as_solr versions (that probably came from another repo and not http://github.com/mauricio/acts_as_solr/tree/master ) all you have to do is to copy the "jetty/solr/conf" folder to your "RAILS_ROOT/config/solr". Config files now live in your application and not the plugin.

More info


Basic Usage

# Just include the line below to any of your ActiveRecord models:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_solr end

With this acts_as_solr will index all fields in your active_record model

that are not it's primary key, crated_at or updated_at fields.

Or if you want, you can specify only the fields that should be indexed:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :author] end

The "fields" that are going to be indexed don't need to be database fields,

they can be simple methods on your model:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :author

acts_as_solr :fields => [:name, :author_name]

def author_name
  self.author.name if self.author


And this is all there is to it, you don't need to get your hands dirty on

Solr schema or document files, only if the default config doesn't suit your

needs. After every save/destroy the Solr index for that object is going to be

updated, so all you need to do is configure your active_record object as above

start the Solr server (rake solr:start) and be done with it.

If you're starting up from an already populated database, you'll have to build

and index based on that data. To do this, start the Solr server (rake solr:start)

and then call the reindex task (rake solr:rebuild_index), this will rebuild

the index based on all objects currently stored on your database.

Then to find instances of your model, just do:

books = Book.find_by_solr(query)

"query" is a string representing your query

You can find out more about Lucene's query sintax here:


Finding using pagination:

books = Book.find_by_solr( query, :page => 2, :per_page => 10 )

The object returned by a find_by_solr call is an ActsAsSolr::SearchResults

object where you can find out more about the response Solr sent back to you and

the real active_record objects returned by your query.

This object works just like any other Enumerable (as an Array) and you can

call any Enumerable method on it. It's also completely compatible with

will_paginate view helpers.

books = Book.find_by_solr( query, :page => 2, :per_page => 10 ) books.each do |book| # this "book" variable is a real Book object from the database puts "#{book.name} - #{book.author_name} - #{book.year}" end

Please see ActsAsSolr::ActsMethods for a complete info
