Home > Max-Bootcamp


Max-Bootcamp is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

tutorial patches and documentation for the newby Max/Msp/Jitter user

+------------------------------------------------------+ +>+---------------------------------------+ |Max Bootcamp -- from MaxMspTutorials.com | | | | |------------------------------------------------------| | | | |The Max Bootcamp is a collection of tutorials and | | | | |patches for the novice programmer. This tutorial | | | | |series assumes that you have no programming knowledge | | | | |and a computer with Max/Msp installed. | | | | | | | | | |More info on Max/Msp can be found at Cycling74's site.| | | | |More info on the Max Bootcamp can be found at | | | | |MaxMspTutorials.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |FAQ Credits | | | | +------------------------+-----------------------------+-+ | |

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