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MBET is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Mobile Based Emergency Training

Mobile Based Emergency Training


When the disaster strikes the first and largest wave of humanitarian responders are those already working on developmental projects for the response organization in the country. They are often required to make use of ICT technologies and systems that are commonly used in emergency environments but not in developmental projects. Successful coordination and information sharing in emergencies is therefore often hampered by the lack of ICT know-how of the field staff.

User Story

Problem: John is at home when an earthquake strikes a remote country. He is being sent there as part of a rescue team. Before he leaves for the airport, he runs the MBET app on his phone. It updates and downloads the videos his non-profit thinks he will need. He can then watch the videos on the plane, from his phone.

Problem: Jose is at the office when an earthquake strikes the country he works as a gender balance advisor. Since he is the only representative of his organization within the affected country he is now being thrown into coordinating the immediate emergency response. Since Jose is not used to dealing with disasters in his day to day job he is not familiar with all the gadgets and technologies used such as Satellite phones and GPSs. As he stares at the Satellite phone wondering how to make a call back to headquarters in the US he remembers the smartphone application he downloaded which was supposed to contain some training for emergency situations. He browses through the training available and watches the satellite phone training. He now can call headquarters and report about the situation in the country.


Serverside curation system for non-profit-org to define list of training resources

  • Server returns JSON list of resources based on non-profit org
  • Django / Python / HTML / CSS

Android app whose code:

  • Download videos from url sources, check checksums, maybe resume DL
  • has the Android Permission to manage sd card
  • can use the Android INTENT() to load the video player
  • Show playlists, set by the server
  • Search the text of the video titles (?)
  • Has crisis-oriented branding/splash screen to make it exciting to load