Home > mc_gallery


Mc_gallery is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.


MindComet Gallery Module ExpressionEngine

 Target Files

/jquery/ /system/modules/mc_gallery/mcp.mc_gallery.php /system/modules/mc_gallery/mod.mc_gallery.php /system/modules/mc_gallery/cropcanvas/ /system/extensions/ext.mc_gallery.php /system/language/english/lang.mc_gallery.php /system/includes/connect.php /images/mc_gallery/

Note: The /images/mc_gallery folder is required to store gallery images and must be created with 777 permissions. Also: The /system/config.php file must be writable as well.


  1. Copy above files into target locations on server, creating new folders as necessary
  2. Confirm database info is correct in /jquery/mc_config.php
  3. Activate module
  4. Fill out settings form in module control panel (note the location of jquery and mc_gallery folders)
  5. Activate extension
  6. In extension settings, choose the weblog(s) to associate galleries with (it is recommended to create a new Gallery weblog for this purpose)