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Mciso is a project mainly written in C#, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

A utility to create isometric and top-down overview images of Minecraft levels in the mclevel format.

mciso Written by: Erik Davidson

A C# utility to render isometric and top-down overviews of Minecraft levels.

Application usage:

To execute the utility you must have either the .Net framework installed (for Windows) or mono installed (for Linux or OS X). You can execute it using the following:

mono mciso.exe [parameters]

The available parameters are as follows: -map The Minecraft mclevel file to load and work with. This is required!

-out Filename to save the final image to. Optional if you use the -dir parameter.

-dir Directory to save the collection of images to.

-type[=iso] The type of images to render. Options are: iso - Render the level in an isometric view. overview - Render the level in a top-down overview.

-layers The layers to render in the image. If you use this option you can also define -dir to store each of the layers in its own image in the provided directory. Layers can be defined in the following ways: 0,1,2 - Individually 0-10,20-30 - Ranges /2 - Intervals (every 2, 3, etc) 0,1,2,20-30,50-100/2 - A combination of the options.

As an example of how the layers are read, the last example listed above (0,1,2,20-30,50-100/2) would render layers 0, 1, 2, 20 through 30 and then every other layer from 50 to 100.

Heavily inspired by Isocraft by pubby8 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4231) Credit for some of the initial tilesets goes to pubby8 as well.
