Home > md5reverse


Md5reverse is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

Python script for md5 hash reversing through online db

h1. Overview

This tiny script is intended to be used as md5 reverse mechanism. It can be used directly from shell:

bc. ./md5reverse.py

Or as a simple unary function from python code:

bc.. >>> import hashlib, md5reverse

md5sum = lambda hash: hashlib.md5(hash).hexdigest() md5reverse.md5reverse(md5sum("admin")) u'admin'

p. Script using "http://md5.noisette.ch/":http://md5.noisette.ch/ as MD5 hash DB.

For further info about possible exceptions and graceful variant @graceful_md5reverse@, see the code.

h1. Requirements

  • "BeautifulSoup":http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/

(c) 2010, Nikolay Zakharov.