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Placeholder is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Placeholder is a simple little gem that inserts image placeholders into your design's wireframe.


Placeholder is a simple little gem that inserts image placeholders into your design's wireframe. It uses www.placehold.it's awesome service.



How To Install

Install the gem: [sudo] gem install placeholder

If you're using Rails, add config.gem 'placeholder' to your config/environment.rb.

If you're using Sinatra, add require 'placeholder' to your main application file.


Placeholder requires a size as the first argument and can accept :text, :fg_color and :bg_color arguments.


This will place a 200x300 image placeholder into your page with the text "Whoa Now". The default text is the image size.

= Placeholder.new("200x300", :text => "Whoa Now")

If you just need a square image, simply do:

= Placeholder.new(100)

You can also pass CSS classes and an ID if you'd like:

= Placeholder.new(80, :id => "gravatar", :class => "active admin")

About the Author

My name is Matt Darby. I’m a Partner and co-founder of Protected Method LLC and hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Franklin University in sunny Columbus, OH.