Home > Meetup-Test


Meetup-Test is a project mainly written in RUBY and COFFEESCRIPT, it's free.

An exercise in Rails 3.


Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, design and develop a page that consists of a member list that lists 10 members of a group. Each member should have the following:

  • A photo (50x50)
  • Member Name (linked)
  • Join Date
  • A bio (use lorem ipsum)
  • Some should have a Title (Organizer, Co-Organizer, Assistant Organizer or Event Organizer)
  • A remove from group button

Add JavaScript functionality to the “remove” button that removes the user from the list and prompts the user with a “{USER} has successfully been removed”. {USER} should be replaced with the name of the actual member removed. Also prompt the user to undo the action.
