Home > Melicious


Melicious is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

It's sorta like Delicious, but just for you (Python Bottle)

What is this?

Sorta like Delicious, but just for you. Melicious lets you save and manage your bookmarks.

How do I start?

  1. cd to the melicious directory
  2. Run $ python createdb.py
  3. Run $ nohup python ./melicious.py &
  4. Aim your browser at http://localhost:8080/
  5. Add and enjoy bookmarks

How do I stop?

  1. Kill the pid of the process running melicious.

What's under the hood?

Bottle - http://bottle.paws.de/ SQLite3 - http://www.sqlite.org/

I have suggestions

Contact [email protected]
