Home > MemMapCache


MemMapCache is a project mainly written in C#, it's free.

A .NET caching solution that uses memory mapping.

I needed a cache that could support over 1 MB of data chunks, so Memcache didn't cut it. It only needed to be on the local machine of my software, so I figured that Memory Mapping would be the easiest solution. MemMapCache was born.

It's licensed under the Apache license.

It's very simple to use. 1) Make sure that MemMapCache.exe is running. 2) Include MemMapCacheLib in your project. 3) Usage:

var cache = new MemMapCache();

var col = new Dictionary<string, int>();
col.Add("hello", 5);
col.Add("hi", 2);

cache.Set<Dictionary<string,int>>("myKey", col);

var newCol = cache.Get<Dictionary<string,int>>("myKey");

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