Home > mengomengo


Mengomengo is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

Share video playlists

MengoMengo Video Sharing Website

Server Administration

I) to set up a new web server from scratch aptitude install git-core wget --no-check-certificate -O /usr/bin/gitmo https://github.com/sleepdev/gitmo/raw/master/gitmo chmod 755 /usr/bin/gitmo gitmo https://github.com/facebook/tornado.git gitmo -b prod https://github.com/sleepdev/mengomengo.git

II) to update & restart the web server gitmo -b prod https://github.com/sleepdev/mengomengo.git

Product Description

MengoMengo: Find, Share, and Create Video Playlists Tell the boss we're sorry