Home > merb_has_rails_plugins


Merb_has_rails_plugins is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Let Merb apps load Rails model plugins from plugins/


A plugin for the Merb framework that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir.

Please send bug reports to Michael Ivey directly for the time being: [email protected] or ivey on #merb


Merb::Plugins.config[:merb_has_rails_plugins] :rails_env - Rails environment - probably want to leave this as the default: Merb.env :rails_root - Path to your rails root (you may want to set this if your running a merb app within a rails app) :plugins_root - Path to your rails plugins directory. Defaults to Merb.root / 'plugins' :only - Optional array of the subset of plugins you want to load i.e. ['acts_as_hasselhoff', 'foo_fu']


Shay Arnett James Bebbington
