Home > merb_inspector


Merb_inspector is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

no needs to prepare views, scaffold and pagination. just inspect it


A plugin for the Merb framework that provides "inspect" helper. Just inspect your objects! No longer need to prepare views, scaffold and pagination.


  1. load gem at the bottom of config/dependencies.rb

    require "merb_inspector"

  2. include css and js in your view or layout files

    <%= css_include_tag "merb_inspector.css" -%> <%= js_include_tag "jquery.js" -%>


just inspect the object you want to know!

<%= inspect [1, :hello] %> <%= inspect ENV.to_hash %> <%= inspect User.all(:limit=>10) %> <%= inspect @item %> ...

of course you can see available inspectors as following

<%= inspect Merb::Inspector::Manager.stores %>

Copyright (c) 2008 [email protected], released under the MIT license
