Home > metric_abc


Metric_abc is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Quick and *DIRTY* ABC metric for Ruby 1.9 code

Metric ABC

This little tool calculates ABC metric for your Ruby code. Requires Ruby 1.9 but should work more or less with sources compatible with 1.9 and 1.8.


$ gem install metric_abc


$ metric_abc filename1 [filename2] ...

Understanding output

Output from metric_abc is in form of:

/path/to/file.rb#Module1#Module2#ClassName#method_name: SCORE

where SCORE is a number. The higher SCORE is, the more crazy code is. If a method scores above 20, it very likely needs some refactoring because it's complete shit.


  • method is not always properly recognized, sometimes it's full of shit like #@const#1#5#@const etc. Need to look at AST to figure out what's wrong