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Metro-Chicago-Open-Data-Examples is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Code examples used in the blog found in the following URL Contains examples using Python and Socrata Open Data API (API). There is one example of a trivial web app using Django.

9/26/11 These files accompany the Metro Chicago Open Data Examples blog. They are simple examples of using the Socrata Open Data API (SODA) with the Socrata data portals in use at City of Chicago and Cook County.

The blog has a series of examples each intended to explain the API and different types of uses. The blog entries are titled "Example #n". The filenames use the same naming convention. You can read about the purpose and the explanation of the code in the blog.

There are two exceptions to the naming convention:

  1. The blog entry for Example #20 describes three command line utilities. Those utilities are named getcolumns.py, getquery.py, and getview.py.
  2. Example #10 includes a one-page overview of the view API. A copy of that overview has the filename, view-ref-card.pdf