Home > migratordotnet-sample-on-.NET-4


Migratordotnet-sample-on-.NET-4 is a project mainly written in C#, it's free.

Sample for database migrations

Using .Net Migrator 0.8 on .NET 4.0 with SQL Server

A sample class library built in .NET 4.0, utilizing the power of .Net Migrator for synchronizing database schema among multiple environments.

Visual Studio 2010 was used for the build of the binaries to the 4.0 framework.

This demo is fully functional to run from the command prompt.

After compiling the library into migro.dll, open a command line window (cmd) and go to the binaries folder where all required dlls and the console executable are located.

The sample contains 4 migrations with version numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Run: Migrator.Console.exe SqlServer "Data Source=ZEUS;Database=playground;Integrated Security=True" ..indebugmigro.dll where the arguments are

  1. database engine SqlServer (for other database engines more configuration and binaries might be required)
  2. the connection string
  3. the dll that includes the migrations

This will create a SchemaInfo table in your target database where the identifier of the migrations is stored.

To roll back you can go to a specific version by adding the -version [versionnumber] example: Migrator.Console.exe SqlServer "Data Source=ZEUS;Database=playground;Integrated Security=True" ..indebugmigro.dll -version 2

USEFUL LINKS: migratordotnet HOME: http://code.google.com/p/migratordotnet/

getting started guide: http://michielvoo.net/blog/configuring-migrator-net-as-an-external-tool-in-visual-studio-using-msbuild/
