Home > mimicpak


Mimicpak is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Converted colorschemes from other Editors/IDEs, plus originals.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2831

The MimicPak is a set of 17 colorschemes which were converted (ripped-off) from other editors and IDEs and that use and share some common tweaking options, like the font style among others. Some original, personal, invented and cloned colorschemes are included too.

The IDEs/Editors may have had more colorschemes, but only some (which I think that were great) are included. Most of the colorschemes are only for gVim, this is so, because of time reasons and available number of colors. However, you can use the CSApprox plugin ( vimscript#2390 ) to use them on 88/256 color terms. Although some of them have the cterm colors for 16 color terminals.

For a fast way to try out these schemes, the included mimicpak.vim plugin script creates a submenu "MimicPak" under the "Themes" menu on the main menubar.

After correctly installing this pack, you can see the help with: :h mimicpak

to get general help :h mimic-overview quick overview of colorschemes by background colors. :h mimic-options to see the shared options. :h name_of_scheme.vim
to see specific options (if any) of a particular colorscheme.

================ SHARED OPTIONS

All the included colorschemes use and share the following common option variables (these can either be set as: buffer, window, tabpage or global) :

  • mimic_font_style: controls the style of the fonts.

    let  mimic_font_style = 0    " schemes will use plain fonts
    let  mimic_font_style = 1    " schemes will use bold fonts
    let  mimic_font_style = 2    " schemes will use italic fonts
    let  mimic_font_style = 3    " schemes will use bold and italic fonts
  • mimic_colorize_gui: if set, GUI elements (menu, toolbar, scrollbar) will be colorized (works only for some GUIs).

That said, you only need to set these options once and you'll get the same look when changing to another of these schemes.

For further help about these, try: :h mimic_font_style :h mimic_colorize_gui

============== SCREENSHOTS

Here are some: http://img97.imageshack.us/g/scameemacsplain.png/

A slideshow: http://img513.imageshack.us/slideshow/player.php?id=img513/5013/1256781939pe8.smil

Most of the included colorschemes are intended to be "easy on the eyes" (well, almost) and I hope that you might find at least 2 or 3 colorschemes from this pack that you could use for every day coding :)

If you like it (or if you don't) PLEASE RATE this thing!