Home > minimal_cuke


Minimal_cuke is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A skeleton project to test external apps with Cucumber, Capybara, MiniTest and ZenTest

This is a minimal stack to test external applications using Cucumber, Capybara, MiniTest and ZenTest, compatible with ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. It has some example steps on features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb in English and Portuguese to get you started.


1 - Clone the project 2 - Go to the project root 3 - Make sure you have bundler gem installed or run "gem install bundler" 4 - Run 'bundle install' 5 - Run 'AUTOFEATURE=true autotest'
6 - Have fun! :)

Optionally, you can uncomment a mail notification hook in .autotest file and customize the output(given you have a mail daemon installed, ex.: sendmail).
