Home > minisip-backup


Minisip-backup is a project mainly written in C and C++, it's free.

The open-source SIP client for high-definition video conferencing

_Codingstyle - draft

Indentation Indentation must be done with tabs (spaces are not allowed). Tab space is eight.

Class and member declarations Class names begin with a capital letter. Different words in a class name are separated with capital letters.

Method and attribute names start with a lower case letter.

Example: class SomeClass : public Base { public: SomeClass(); void someMethod(); private: int attribute; };

[EE: We are not consistent if we should indent the access modifiers with a tab or not - I usually do so to make them not look like any label]

Control structures

Example: if (expression) { statements; } else { statements; }

for (expression; expression; expression) { statements; }

do { statements; } while (expression);

while (expression) { statements; }

switch (expression) { case constant: statements; break; default: statements; break; }

Header files Header files that is part of the API of a library must not include "config.h".

Headers should be protected from problems occuring when a file is included multiple times.

Example (SomeFile.h): {license here}



{header definition here}


[EE: assuming that the file name is unique in the namespace!]

File names C++ source files must use the suffix .cxx and header files .h.

Files should be named with the most general desciption first and the most specific last (e.g. the opposite to web urls). Example: SipUtils.h (good) UtilsSip.h (bad)
