Home > Misc-Betfair


Misc-Betfair is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Some basic tools for mucking about with the Betfair API.


C# and F# utility code for applications using the Betfair API. The C# project includes some handy extension methods and tools for working with compressed market data. The F# project includes async tools for conveniently batching up or sequencing requests (for example retrieving the Match Odds market for all upcoming Premiership games).


Classes for working with compressed market data. Basically the same as can be found in the Betfair.Net project so will soon be removed.


Simple python wrapper for the Betfair API, since the python SOAP tools can be twitchy with the Betfair WSDL.


Simple example app demonstrating pybetfair.py. Can be used to monitor a market for underrounds and place green-book bets when an opportunity is detected.


Greasemonkey script that augments the BBC News sport pages with Betfair market data.
