Home > misc-validators


Misc-validators is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A collection of misc usefull validators for ActiveRecord::Base

== MiscValidators

A compilation of simple validators we need in most rails apps (AR based).

Note : This gem is Rails 2.x compatible only. If you're looking for the same functionnality for Rails 3, take a look at my : http://github.com/aurels/extra_validators

== Examples

Validation of an email address :

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base validates_email :my_email_field end

Validation of an URL :

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base validates_url :my_url_field end

== Installation

As a gem from Gemcutter :

sudo gem install misc_validators

As a plugin :

script/plugin install git://github.com/aurels/misc_validators.git

== Tests

If you wanna run the tests :

rake spec

Copyright (c) 2009 Aurélien Malisart, released under the MIT license