Home > teststat


Teststat is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

parse minitest output and keep track of results [wip]

This will keep track of stats for you while you code.

(Inspired by zed shaw's peepcode screencast.)

disclaimer: work in progress. Database will likely not survive between updates, for now, as schema changes.

Just works w/ minitest for now.

Tracks, for each test command:

  • test failures
  • test errors
  • length in milliseconds the command ran
  • exit status of the command

Writes the results of each test to some sort of DB in the current working directory.

Run your tests by giving a minitest command to bin/record:

bin/record ruby test/test_my_test.rb

record runs "ruby test/test_my_test.rb" and parses the output, and writes to a SQLite3 database at "~/.teststats.db".

Uses git:

each test run is associated with:

  • a project, represented by the initial git commit SHA of the current working directory, and

  • a user, represented by the output of git config --get user.email.