Home > mkfile


Mkfile is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Quick and dirty copy of Solaris' mkfile command, for linux.


This is a quick and dirty copy of Solaris' mkfile command, initially written for Linux, but it should compile under any recent Unix.

It is used to make a empty file of specified size, e.g...

$ mkfile -G 100 foo ; ls -l foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 chris users 107374182400 2010-08-15 19:41 foo

USAGE: $ mkfile -h Usage: mkfile [options] size file Create a sparse file of specific size. If unit is not specified, size is in bytes. Options: -v : verbose -h : this help Size factors (specify only one of -k,-M,-G,-T): -k : size is in kibibyte (2^10=1024 byte) -M : size is in Mebibyte (2^20=1048576 byte) -G : size is in Gibibyte (2^30=1073741824 byte) -T : size is in Tebibyte (2^40=1099511627776 byte)


just type make
make install will install the binary in /usr/local/bin,
    the maual page will be copied to /local/share/man/man1

Compiles cleanly under:

    Linux (Ubuntu Karmic)
    OpenSolaris (b134 or so)
    MacOSX (Snow Leopard 10.6.4, x86, thanks Morgan!)

AUTHOR: This program has been written by Christian Vogel [email protected] It's put under the GPL V3 or later.