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Runtime is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Runtime is an event library running in the background of your process, checking every second if there is an event ready to be run at the given time.


Runtime is a runtime library for Ruby (oh, really?).

It runs in the background and waits for your created events to be ready to emit at the current time, thus making your multithreaded applications a tad easier to maintain.

How does it work

When you include the Runtime gem, it immediately creates an instance of Runtime::Manager which then spawns a thread that starts a loop. The loop then continues to check if one of your stored events are ready to pop.

You can force the Runtime library not to start by itself by setting $NO_RUNTIME = true before including the gem. If you want to enable Runtime at a later point, just call Runtime.enable.

How can I schedule my events

There's 2 methods that enables you to schedule your events to pop at a given time. They are called at and _in (in is a Ruby keyword, hence the _ prefix).

The in method takes 1+ arguments. The first one is 'when' you want it to pop (can be a Time instance and a Fixnum), and the other ones are if you want to pass them to your block when it's emitted.

The at also takes 1+ arguments. The first argument can be a String and a Time instance. A string example can be "12:00 pm GMT+2" and it will pop at 12:00 pm according to the GMT+2 timezone.


Runtime provides 4 method extensions to the Fixnum class. Those are

  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days

Note: all methods also has a singularis alias which points to their respective pluralus method (second, minute e.g.)


Raise an event that says "Hello world" in 5 minutes:

_in_ 10.minutes do
  puts "Hello world"

Or raise an event that says "Hello world" in one day:

_in_ 1.day do
  puts "Hello world"