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Mlint.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Matlab code checker (mlint) compiler file

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1781

This is the compiler file for the Matlab code checker - mlint. I've tested this with Matlab R2006a and vim 7.0, but this should work with other versions too.

Matlab's editor automatically checks the code you type in it for warnings and errors. To do this in vim, install this script, and type :make whenever you want to check your code. There is a button for this in gvim. Note that you need to have Matlab's bin directory in your system path.

mlint's messages are of 3 types : Type 1: Suggestions and simple warnings Type 2: Warnings about performance penalties Type 3: Errors The type number is displayed next to the column number in the error window. Use :copen to open the error window, and :cn and :cp (or Alt-n and Alt-p) to go to the next and previous message respectively.
