Home > django-js-builder


Django-js-builder is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

django application for JavaScript dependency management and concatenation


JS_builder is a JavaScript dependency management tool. We can define for all files dependencies which are required e.g. file core.js must be add before all other files because it contains main namespace. Files are concatenated in the right order and minimize. When template are rendered and some packages must be added to that page system checks if there were some modifications in files from package and rebuild it automatically.


. Add the js_builder directory to your Python path.

. Add the js_builder to your INSTALLED_APP setting.

. Add a setting JS_BUILDER_SOURCE. This should be an absolute path to the directory with source JavaScript files. For example::

JS_BUILDER_SOURCE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__, "media", "js", "internal")

. Add a setting JS_BUILDER_DEST with absolute path to the directory with builded JavaScript packages e.g.::

JS_BUILDER_DEST = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "media", "js", "public")

. set JS_BUILDER_PACKAGES setting. It's a dictionary with definition of packages. For example::

        "core": ["core.js", "ajax.js", "dom.js"],
        "ui": ["***/ui/.*.js"]

. In each JavaScript file we can define which other files are required e.g.::

// require core.js
// require ui.js

Files core.js and ui.js will be added before that file so all dependencies will be met. After finding all depenendencies, files are concatenated in the right order and saved to the new JavaScript file. What are benefits of that? It reduces http request on site. This is important step to speed up your web site. Steve Souders describes this in "High Performance Web Sites" book.

. In the template add::

    {% load js_tags %}
    {% js_package 'core' %}

When template will be rendered this will we replaced by::

<script type='text/javascript' src='{{ MEDIA_URL }}p1.js'>

Also system will check if some files from package p1 were modified since last building and if there were some changes JS_builder will rebuild that package. Then these JavaScript packages can be compressed to minimize size of the files. By default YUI compressor is used.


Error logging

.. _logging : http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html

JS_builder uses logging_ module from the python standard library. By default all errors will be outputed to the log file (js_builder.log which will be placed in the same directory as the settings.py). Also console can be added as the place where errors will be outputed. For example::

from js_builder.utils import LOG_FILE, CONSOLE


Format of the output can be also customized by set JS_BUILDER_FORMAT setting e.g.::

JS_BUILDER_FORMAT = "%(levelname)s > %(message)s"

There is also JS_BUILDER_EXCEPTION settings which is by default set to False. When it's True after errors, exceptions will be raised.