Home > MobiCart-PHP-API


MobiCart-PHP-API is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

A PHP wrapper for the MobiCart API

=============== IMPORTANT INFO:

My work on the mobi-cart API (and all other APIs) has moved to the STD-Rest project (https://github.com/richthegeek/STD-Rest) which provides various benefits including multi-language deployment, input validation, better argument handling and smaller filesize.


A complete PHP implementation of the mobi-cart (http://www.mobi-cart.com) API (http://www.mobi-cart.com/docs/api/index.html).

Here's a clipping from an email conversation from some dude named Rob Halff (hi rob!) asking for help:

"   The parameters are overwritten in order that they are specified in the code.

    For all methods the username is the first parameter (design flaw really), and so when you do `get(1)` you are setting the username to 1. In order to use a previously defined parameter you need to set the parameter it is in place of to NULL or FALSE (or just exclude it if possible).

    In your case, it'd be one of:

    At the moment you typically have to look at the code (or the API docs) to figure out the method signatures - for the most part they follow the API docs but there are one or two places where I think they are rearranged to resolve inconsistencies in the API design.

The root PHP file also contains a bunch of examples (that is, all my test code) so hopefully that clarifies it to an extent.

License: GNU GPLv3 - do what you want, I don't care. Just don't sell it without some kickbacks ;D
