Home > mod_xrandr-3


Mod_xrandr-3 is a project mainly written in C, based on the LGPL-2.1 license.

XrandR support module for Ion3

Ion xrandr module Copyright (c) Ragnar Rova 2004 Tuomo Valkonen 2005-2007

by Ragnar Rova [email protected]


This module gives ion3 XrandR support. It updates ions screen size when a screen size change event is received.


    1. Edit Makefile to ensure TOPDIR points to your top-level ion source
       directory with a system.mk that matches the version of ion installed
       on your system.

    2. Run make.

    3. Either run (as root)
            # make install
       or (as yourself),
            $ mkdir -p ~/.ion3/lib
            $ cp .libs/mod_xrandr.* ~/.ion3/lib
    4. Add dopath("mod_xrandr") to ~/.ion3/cfg_ion.lua. 
    5. (Re)start Ion.


The module only supports screen size changes. Nothing else.
