Home > models_from_xsd


Models_from_xsd is a project mainly written in RUBY and OBJECTIVE-C, based on the MIT license.

The models_from_xsd generator creates stubs for a new model based upon an XSD file. It will automatically add all the appropriate relationships between models as well as create the migrations with the attributes already built.

Description: The model generator creates stubs for a new model based upon an XSD file. It will automatically add all the appropriate relationships between models as well as create the migrations with the attributes already built.

The generator takes a complete file path to the XSD file as its argument.  

There are no additional parameters.

The generator creates model classe(s) in app/models, a test suite(s) in test/unit, test fixture(s) in
test/fixtures/singular_name.yml, and migration(s) in db/migrate.

Examples: ./script/generate model_from_xsd /tmp/sample.xsd /tmp/source.xml

With the following
    This will create an Account model:
        Model:      app/models/account.rb
        Test:       test/unit/account_test.rb
        Fixtures:   test/fixtures/accounts.yml
        Migration:  db/migrate/XXX_add_accounts.rb

After running all the classes have been created. To load in the xml data you need to do is run rake db:migrate. It will create the tables and load in the data.
