Home > Module-go_to_topic


Module-go_to_topic is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

This module implements the Go To Topic concept from Phorum 3. It allows the user to jump back to the exact list page on which a message that was read or written resides. Phorum 5 only implements the Message List link, which will always jump to the fi

Module : Go To Topic Version : 1.2.2 Authors : Brian Moon [email protected] Maurice Makaay [email protected]

This module implements the Go To Topic concept from Phorum 3. It allows the user to jump back to the exact list page on which a message that was read or written resides. Phorum 5 only implements the Message List link, which will always jump to the first list page.

Installation instructions:

  1. Install the module

    • Unpack the archive;

    • Move the directory "go_to_topic" to the directory "mods" within your Phorum installation;

    • Login as administrator in Phorum's administrative interface and go to the "Modules" section;

    • Enable the module "Go To Topic".

    • Edit the settings for the "Go To Topic" module. There is only one setting: "Automatically replace list URLs". If you enable this feature, then you are done. All the list URLs on the read page will be automatically replaced with the Go To Topic URL. If you disable this feature and want to add the Go To Topic URLs manually to your templates, then continue with section 2.

  2. Edit your templates (only if "Automatically replace list URLs" is disabled)

    By default, the module is configured to replace the list URLs with the Go To Topic URL when coming from a read page. If you disable this feature in the settings for the module, then you can fully control where to use the Go To Topic URL. You will have to update your templates for this.

    • Edit your read.tpl, ready_hybrid.tpl and read_threads.tpl to include a "go to topic" link. This can be done by adding a link to the navigation which looks like:


      The {GO_TO_TOPIC} template variable contains the language string for "Go To Topic". You can change the language files for this module if you need a different link title or you can simply replace {GO_TO_TOPIC} with whatever text/html you like.

      You can also modify the existing Message List menu item in the read templates instead, to have them point to the topic's list page. If you want to do that, then find:


      Replace that code with


    • If you want your browser to jump down the page to the thread from which you are returning on the message list page, then edit list.tpl and list_threads.tpl and find:

      <a href="{MESSAGES->URL->READ}"

      Replace that code with:

      <a name="msg-{MESSAGES->message_id}" href="{MESSAGES->URL->READ}"

      Without this code change, Phorum will jump to the correct list page, but the page will not scroll down to the message that you are returning from.
