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Mongo-x is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

A simple DSL sugar for MongoDB

NAME MongoX - DSL sugar for MongoDB

VERSION version 0.05


quick bootstrap, add connection and switch to db:'test'

    use MongoX ( host => 'mongodb://',db => 'test' );

    # common way
    use MongoX;
    #register default connection;
    add_connection host => '';
    # switch to default connection;
    # use database 'test'
    use_db 'test';

    #add/register another connection with id "remote2"
    add_connection host => '',id => 'remote2';

    # switch to this connection
    use_connection 'remote2';

    #get a collection object (from the db in current context)
    my $foo = get_collection 'foo';

    # use 'foo' as default context collection
    use_collection 'foo';

    # use context's db/collection
    say 'total rows:',context_collection->count();

    my $id = context_collection->insert({ name => 'Pan', home => 'Beijing' });
    my $gridfs = context_db->get_gridfs;

    # loop dbs/collections
        for_collections {
            db_ensure_index {created_on => 1};
        } context_db->collection_names;
    } 'db1','db2';

DESCRIPTION MongoX is a light wrapper to MongoDB driver, it provide a very simple but handy DSL syntax. It also will provide some usefull helpers like builtin mongoshell, you can quick work with MongoDB.

OVERVIEW MongoX takes a set of options for the class construction at compile time as a HASH parameter to the "use" line.

As a convenience, you can pass the default connection parameters and
default database, then when MongoX import, it will apply these options
to "add_connection" and "use_db", so the following code:

    use MongoX ( host => 'mongodb://',db => 'test' );

is equivalent to:

    use MongoX;
    add_connection host => 'mongodb://';
    use_db 'test';

"context_connection","context_db", "context_collection" are implicit
MongoDB::Connection, MongoDB::Database and MongoDB::Collection.

Options host => mongodb server, mongodb connection scheme db => default database utf8 => Turn on/off UTF8 flag. default is turn on utf8 flag.

DSL keywords use_connection use_db use_collection with_context

use_* keywords can make/switch implicit MongoDB object in context.

with_context allow build a sanbox to execute code block and do
something, the context be restored when out the block.


These are loop keywords, it will switch related context object in the
given list and loop run the code block.

ATTRIBUTES context_db my $db = context_db;

Return current MongoDB::Database object in context;

context_connection my $con = context_connection;

Return current MongoDB::Connection object in context.

context_collection my $col = context_collection;

Return current MongoDB::Collection object in context, you can replace
the object with "use_collection".

METHODS use_connection

create a default connection

    # use another connection with id:'con2'
    use_connection 'con2';

Switch to given connection, set the context connection to this

use_db use_db 'foo';

Switch to the database, set the context database to this database;

use_collection use_collection 'user'

Set 'user' collection as context collection.

add_connection add_connection id => 'default', host => 'mongodb://'

Register a connnection with the id, if omit, will add as default
connection. All options exclude 'id' will direct pass to
MongoDB::Connection. The host accept standard mongoDB uri scheme:


More about, see <http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Connections>.

boot boot host => 'mongodb://',db => 'test'

same as:

    add_connection host => 'mongodb://', id => 'default';
    use_db 'test';

Boot is equivalent to call add_connection,use_connection,use_db.

with_context BLOCK db => 'dbname', connection => 'connection_id', collection => 'foo'


    use_db 'test';
    with_context {
        use_db 'tmp_db';
        # now context db is 'tmp_db'
    # context db auto restor to 'test'

    # temp context
    with_context {
    } connection => 'id2', db => 'test2', 'collection' => 'user';

    # alternate style
    my $db2 = context_connection->get_database('test2');
    with_context {
        # context db is $db2,collection is 'foo'
        print context_collection->count;
    } db => $db2, 'collection' => 'foo';

"with_context" let you create a temporary context(sandbox) to invoke the
code block. Before execute the code block, current context will be
saved, them build a temporary context to invoke the code, after code
executed, saved context will be restored.

You can explicit setup the sandbox context include
connection,db,collection, or just applied from parent

with_context allow nested, any with_context will build its context
sanbox to run the attached code block.

    use_db 'test';

    with_context {
        # context db is 'db1'
        with_context {
            # context db is 'db2'
        } db => 'db2';
        # context db restore to 'db1'
    } db => 'db1';

    # context db restore to 'test'

with_context options key:

connection => connection id or MongoDB::Connection
db => database name or MongoDB::Database
collection => collection name or MongoDB::Collection

for_dbs BLOCK, database List for_dbs { print context_db->name; } 'test1','test2','test3;

    for_dbs {

        print context_db->name;

    } context_connection->database_names;

Evaluates the code BLOCK for each database of the list. In block scope,
context_db will switch to the list value, and $_ is alias of this
context_db value.

for_connections BLOCK connection_id_list for_connections { fordbs { map { print $ } context_db->collectionnames } $->database_names; } 'con_id1', 'con_id2'

Evaluates the code BLOCK against each connection of connection id list.
In block scope, context_connection will switch to the list value, and $_
is alais of the current context_connection.

for_collections BLOCK collection_list

print out all collection's count in the db

    for_collections {
        say $_->name, ' count:', db_count;
    } context_db->collection_names;

    # reindex some collections
    for_collections { db_re_index } 'foo','foo2','foo3';

    # alternate
    for_collections { db_re_index } qw(foo foo2 foo3);
    # alternate
    for_collections { db_re_index } ('foo','foo2','foo3');

Repository Github: http://github.com/nightsailer/mongo-x

SEE ALSO MongoDB manual: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Manual

Official MongoDB driver: MongoDB or

My fork: <http://github.com/nightsailer/mongo-perl-driver>

My blog about this project (Chinese only!):

AUTHOR Pan Fan(nightsailer)

COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Pan Fan(nightsailer).

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.