Home > mongobackup


Mongobackup is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

backup mongo on ey flex: mongo version of ey-backup


mongobackup is the mongodb version of ey-backup used by flex and ey solo to upload db backups to buckets on AWS. mongobackup has extra options to start/stop db before backup


Usage: mongobackup [-flag] [argument] mongobackup: backing up your shit since way back when...

-l, --list-backup DATABASE       List mysql backups for DATABASE
-n, --new-backup                 Create new mysql backup
-c, --config CONFIG              Use config file.
-d, --download BACKUP_INDEX      download the backup specified by index. Run eybackup -l to get the index.
-e, --engine DATABASE_ENGINE     The database engine. ex: mysql, postgres, mongodb.
-r, --restore BACKUP_INDEX       Download and apply the backup specified by index WARNING! will overwrite the current db with the backup. Run mongobackup -l to get the index.

Copyright (c) 2009 Blythe Dunham, released under the MIT license