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Monitis-Mac-OS-scripts is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

Mac OS Monitoring Scripts for Monitis API

Example of recording load averages to Monitis using shell scripts os OS X

These are based on the original bash example scripts, but modified to focus on recording the load averages, and for the different xpath syntax in the default OS X installation of xpath.


Creates the external monitor used to record the load averages. Don't forget to set the API key and secret in the script, or export the values in your shell.

$ export APIKEY="your API key"
$ export SECRETKEY="your API secret"


Gets the load averages from the uptime command, and records them to the specified Monitis external monitor. The API key and secret are specified as command line arguments.


# create the monitor
$ ./monitis_create_load_monitor.sh

# record the current load averages
$ ./monitis_record_load.sh -a <api_key> -s <api_secret> -i 797