Home > MooKit


MooKit is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Object Oriented Web Application Development Toolkit built with MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript with MooTools

--  MooKit V 0.1.0                                                                                          --
--                                                                                                          --
--  My Object Oriented Toolkit                                                                                  --
--                                                                                                          --
--  March 24, 2010                                                                                          --
--  ___            ___          __                                                                                          --
--    |   /  |/| |         __   |_/  |__  -   _                                                                               --
--  _|_ /   |  | |___  |__|  |   |__|  |  |  |                                                                                --
--                                                                                                      --
--  Cody By Corbin Tarrant                                                                                      --
--  http://www.IAmCorbin.net                                                                                    --
--  http://www.github.com/IAmCorbin/MooKit/                                                                     --
--                                                                                                      --
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--          |    |   |  l__ |   |  |   __|   o            --                                                              --
--                                      --                                                              --
--  -- htmLawed Creator                 --                                                              --
--      http://www.bioinformatics.org/phplabware/internal_utilities/htmLawed/index.php                                  --
--  -- sortableTables/paginatingTables Creator  --                                                              --
--      http://madhatted.com/2008/1/11/the-joy-of-a-minimal-complete-javascript-table-sort                              --
--                                                              --                                                              --
--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                               --
--                                                                                                      --
--  This code is free to use and share, but must be passed on in turn. Don't be greedy, help each other, we are all One.            --

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

    This is a learning experience, and is currently a very basic skeleton of a site, the kit shall expand as my web development skill base does.

MooKit is a web development toolkit using these technologies at it's core:

    mySQL - The worlds most popular open source database ( http://www.mysql.com/ )
    php - A widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTM ( http://php.net )
    javascript - The most popular scripting language on the internet, and works in all major browsers ( http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_intro.asp )
    Mootools - A compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer( http://mootools.net/ )

    - The MooKit is a robust and scalable solution that allows multiple users to manage content in a simple fashion --
    - The Mookit eliminates redundant data and creates a nicely organized structure                         --
    - The MooKit provides object oriented pieces you can snap together to create an application             --
    - The MooKit allows for the creation of a solid structure(context), that can then be filled with dynamic content    --

! Important !
    - MooKit needs write access to these locations:

| Files |
|   -- .:
|   --  README      This File
| docs | Documentation |----------------------------------------------
|   --  js          - documentation JavaScript
|   --  jsDocs      | System JavaScript Documentation
|   --  phpDocs     | System PHP Documentation
|   --  MooKit.dia  - Dia Diagram of the system
|   --  style.css       - documentation style
| logs | System Logs |---------------------------------------------------- 
|   --  DBerrors.xml        Database Error Log
|   --  DBerrors.xsl        Database Error XML Template
|   --  LOG_NOTES       notes
|   --  phpErrors.log       phperrors
|   --  PHPerrors.xml       PHP Error Log
|   --  PHPerrors.xsl       PHP Error XML Template
|   --  trimXMLerrors.php   Script to remove errors from DB and PHP logs
| public | Main Public Entry |------------------------------------------
|   --  index.php           The Gatekeeper
|   --  php5.ini
    | codeCore | Core System Code |---------------------------
    | Classes | Core Classes |--------------------------------------
            | js | Core JavaScript Classes |-------------------------------
            |   --  DeepLinker.js               adds a hash listener and caching system for deeplinking ajax content
            |   --  LightBox.js             adds "toggleable" layers to the page
            |   --  mootools-    The MooTools Core
            |   --  mootools-1.2.4-core-yc.js       The MooTools More
            |   --  PaginatingTable.js          Creates Paginating Tables
            |   --  SortingTable.js             Creates Sortable Tables
            | php | Core PHP Classes |--------------------------------------------
            |   --  DB_MySQLi.php           Database Connection Class that utilizes MySQLi objects and prepared statements
            |   --  Filters.php         User input filtering class
            |   --  Link.php                hyperlinks with descriptions and associated sublinks
            |   --  Menu.php            Navigation system of links and sublinks - {@see Link}
            |   --  MooKit.php          The Main Class - handles application initialization and template building
            |   --  Post.php                A Class representing a set of related html elements that serve a certain purpose (blog post, static page, game, video, etc...)
            |   --  Security.php            User Authentication Check
            |   --  Template.php            Allows for seperation of data gathering and presentation logic
            |   --  User.php                User Management
        | js | Core JavaSript |------------------------------------------------------------
        |   --  debug.js            on screen slide-up debugging box
        |   --  errorHandler.js     JavaScript error handling function - just alerts error right now (if debug true)
        |   --  functions.js        Global Functions
            | secure | Secure Core JavaScript |--------------------------------
            |   --  adminLinks.js       Link Management
            |   --  adminPanel.js       Administration Panel
            |   --  adminUsers.js       User Management
            |   --  createPanel.js      Creator Panel
            |   --  createPosts.js      Post Management
        | php | Core PHP |----------------------------------------------------------------- 
        |   --  functions.php           Global functions
        |   --  htmLawed1.1.9.1.php Html Sanitizer ( http://www.bioinformatics.org/phplabware/internal_utilities/htmLawed/ )
        |   --  init.php                php auto_prepend_file to index.php - PHP Class Autoloading and Gloabl Variables (also includes ../codeSite/php/init.php)
        |   --  logError.php            trigger a php error from JavaScript
            | secure | Secure Core PHP |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            |   --  adminAccessDec.php          Admin - Decrease a user's access_level  
            |   --  adminAccessInc.php          Admin - Increase a user's access_level  
            |   --  adminAddLink.php                Admin - Add a new Link
            |   --  adminAddSublink.php         Admin - Add a new Sublink
            |   --  adminDeleteLink.php         Admin - Remove a Link
            |   --  adminDeleteSublink.php          Admin - Remove a Sublink
            |   --  adminDeleteUser.php         Admin - Delete a User
            |   --  adminEditLink.php               Admin - Edit a Link
            |   --  adminGetLinks.php               Admin - Get Links
            |   --  adminPanel.php              The Administration Panel
            |   --  createAddPost.php               Creator - Add a new Post
            |   --  createAddPostUserPerm.php       Creator - Add a new user permission access_level to a post
            |   --  createDeletePost.php            Creator - Delete a Post
            |   --  createDeletePostUserPerm.php    Creator - Remove user permission access_level for a post
            |   --  createEditPost.php              Creator - Edit an existing Post
            |   --  createGetPosts.php          Creator - Get Posts
            |   --  createGetPostUserPerms.php      Creator - Get a current user permission access_level for a post
            |   --  createPanel.php             The Creator Panel
            |   --  sharedGetUsers.php          Shared - Get User's and information
    | codeSite | Unique Site Code |----------------------------------------------------
        | Classes | Site Classes |--------------------------------------- 
            | js | Site JavaScript Classes |--------------------------------------------
            | php | Site PHP Classes |-------------------------------------------------
        | js | Site JavaScript |-------------------------------------------------------------
        |   --  functions.js        Global functions
        |   --  login.js            Login Form
        |   --  main.js         Global JavaScript
        |   --  menu.js         Application Menu 
        |   --  signup.js           Signup Form
            | secure | Secure Site JavaScript |-------------------------
            |   --  auth.js | authorized JavaScript
        | php | Site PHP |-------------------------------------------------------------------
        |   --  DB.php              Database Credentials
        |   --  functions.php           Global Site Functions
        |   --  init.php                Site Settings (Directories/Debug Flag/Timezone)
        |   --  login.php               User Login
        |   --  logout.php          User Logout
        |   --  signup.php          User Signup
        |   --  test[123].php           Test Scripts
        |   --  updateMenu.php      Update the Main Menu
        |   --  updateUserInfo.php      Update the User Info Box
            | secure | Secure Site PHP |----------------------------------
    | img | Site Graphics
    | style | Site Styles |------------------------------------------------------
    |   --  content.css.php     Main content
    |   --  loginForm.css.php       Login Lightbox
    |   --  post.css.php            Post Display
    |   --  signupForm.css.php  Signup Lightbox
    |   --  style.css.php           Global Styles
        | secure | Secure Styles |--------------------------------------
        |   --  adminPanel.css.php  Administration Panel Style
        |   --  createPanel.css.php Creator Panel Style
    | templates | Site Templates |------------------------------------------
    |   --  404.tpl.php         Error Template
    |   --  content.tpl.php     Main content
    |   --  debug.tpl.php           debug box
    |   --  loginForm.tpl.php       Login Lightbox
    |   --  main.tpl.php            Default main template
    |   --  post.tpl.php            Post Display
    |   --  signupForm.tpl.php      Signup Lightbox
| sql:
|   --  SQL     CREATE SQL statements needed for site database
Note: Using Xdebug and kcachegrind for debugging analyzing php