Home > MooseX-AuthorizedMethods


MooseX-AuthorizedMethods is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

Verify user authorization before executing a method

NAME MooseX::AuthorizedMethods - Syntax sugar for authorized methods

SYNOPSIS package Foo::Bar; use MooseX::AuthorizedMethods; # includes Moose

has user => (is => 'ro');

authorized foo => ['foo'], sub {

this is going to happen only if the user has the 'foo' role


DESCRIPTION This method exports the "authorized" declarator that makes a verification if the user has the required permissions before the acual invocation. The default verification method will take the "user" method result and call "roles" to list the roles given to that user.

DECLARATOR authorized $name => [qw(required permissions)], $code This declarator will use the default verifier to check if the user has one of the given roles, it will die otherwise.

CUSTOM VERIFIERS The default verifier used is MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles, you might send an additional "verifier" option to the declarator with another object or class. A verifier is simply a duck type with the "authorized_do" method that is called as:

  $verifier->authorized_do($method, $code, @_)

It is expected that the verifier code die if the user doesn't fulfill
the authorization requests.

AUTHORS Daniel Ruoso [email protected]

COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2010 by Daniel Ruoso et al

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.