Home > Mootools-Uploadify


Mootools-Uploadify is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Mootools HTML5 Uploader (very beta)

Simple and still buggy html5 uploader (has no fallback for old browsers yet...)

Options: generateRequest: [Function] to create urls for requests, is used if file input is not inside a form Should return string or Object with url key and extra POSTFIELDS forceGenerator: [Boolean] force the generator function for each upload, even if it is inside a form inputs: [String] CSS selector selecting inputs to use Uploadify on queue: [String] CSS selector where progress should be dumped autoStart: [Boolean] Autostart uploads? (there's no way to start them manually as of now) fallback: [Boolean] Use HTML4 fallback support (Not implemented) renderer: [Class] Link to a Mootools class to use as renderer (this renderer should then subscribe to queue events see source for info)
