Home > morefluent-signals


Morefluent-signals is a project mainly written in ActionScript, it's free.

as3-signals support for morefluent


morefluent-signals is an extension library for morefluent, an AS3 library that makes event testing much less of a drag. With morefluent-signals, all of the morefluent goodness is now compatible with Rob Penner's as3-signals.

morefluent-signals makes use of as3-signals-utilities-async (baked-in), and depends on morefluent, as3-signals and hamcrest-as3 (you'll have to get those yourself). It's been tested to be compatible with morefluent 1.2M8, as3-signals 0.8 and hamcrest 1.1.1.

For more on how to use morefluent, see the repository wiki on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/loomis/morefluent/wiki/Home

For a brief introduction to morefluent-signals, see: http://patrickmowrer.com/2011/03/04/flexunit4-testing-morefluent-signals
