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MouseCombat is a project mainly written in Lua, it's free.

WOW MouseCombat addon

Mouse Combat by Xor 2005-2010

Version 1.4.0RC1

0. About
1. ChangeLog
2. Features
3. Notes/How-to
5. History

This addon allows you to toggle into mouse look mode. 
This free first and second mouse buttons we can assign together with ctrl, shift and alt modifiers.
Moving your mouse will rotate your character.
Together with first and second mouse buttons it allows you to keep character specific bindings in one place.
Same time it supports dual-spec bindings, by switching spec it will reassign spec specific actions on the fly.
To toggle I personally use CTRL-SPACE, my friend use additional small button on his logitech mouse.
You may notice Left and Right buttons bindings in the config - it is back and forward button on my VX revolution mouse
reassigned to left/right in the logitech SetPoint utility.    

1.4.0RC1: Fixed patch 4.0.1 issues.
1.3.0SP1: Fixed override bindings problem.
1.3.0GA: First public release. Dual-spec specific bindings added. All bindings moved into config.lua.
1.2PVT: Private Release. Implemented mouse lock toggle code. Removed dependency from patched Mouse_Look_Lock. Thank you Trimble Epic.
1.1PVT: Private Release. Class specific configurations added.
1.0PVT: WOTLK Private Release. Well, actually there was first release for WOW vanilla for me and my friend only, 
        then TBC release for me only and then WotLK release for me and my friend =)
xxPVT: TBC Private Release.
xxPVT: WOW Vanilla Private release.

1. Mouse look toggle binding. (My personal favorite is CTRL-SPACE)
2. Default class independent bindings. (I use only focus macro)
3. Class specific bindings (all in one place)
4. Mouse Look mode bindings (Quake style) e.g. Button1 cast spell, Button2, CTRL-Button1 ... 
    (With CTRL, ALT and SHIFT) it gives you 8 combinations you can not use without this mode.
5. Dual-spec override posibility, e.g. Mouse button 1 in combat spec casts Sinister Strike, in assasination casts Mutilate.

Assign mouse look toggle binding in the standard blizzard UI. (My personal favorite is CTRL-SPACE)
In order to make changes or add classes/spec edit config.lua

1. Config UI
2. Probably split configs per class/spec in order to allow users to simply add new configs.

I always was a gamer from the digger/tetris/packman times. Played a lot of FPS games and starting from WOW beta I missed mouse look combat.
When I start to play vanilla WOW I found addon kikiutils by kiki, but because it contained a lot of unnecessary code/features (for me).
I created my own Mouse Look addon. The binding code was pain that days.
I only shared addon with my guild (Molotoff Coctail, EU-Sylvanos).
After guild was disbanded I stopped played for a while.

In the spring 2008 I returned to the game for a few months and first what I did is fixed my addon. The code was simplified a lot.
Also I added new kiki utils as dependency, but changed few lines in it in order to disable kikiutils mouse buttons binding.

In the spring 2009 I returned again and changed kiki utils dependency to the Mouse_Look_Lock, again commenting buttons binding in it.

09/12/2009: Decided to publish this addon.
    Two functions copied from Mouse_Look_Lock as well as bindings.xml in order to keep the code in single place and stop patching 3rd party addon.
    Let's check after patch 3.3.0 and if it works I'll upload addon to the databases.
09/14/2009: Added dual-spec override posibility.
    Time to test and publish. If users will find this addon useful I will think about configuration UI.

Thanks and credits:
Kiki - for the initial vanilla mouse look toggle code.
Trimble Epic - for the great and simple addon I used as mouse look toggle (by commenting out button1 and button2 binding).
                And for the code for the simple toggle mouse look in past vanilla patches.