Home > mover-mini-binaries


Mover-mini-binaries is a project mainly written in C and JAVASCRIPT, based on the View license.

Binary distribution of Mover Mini, a library that adds sharing capabilities with a quirky UI to iOS apps.

Mover Mini Pre-alpha

This repository contains the Mover Mini library. This library allows you to add some of the features of the Mover application to your own app, allowing it to share and receive from other devices at the swipe of a finger. For more information, see the Mover Mini website.

Following this section are update news. Look below them for a quick start on the use of this library.

Update: 1.0 (Oct 20th, 2010)

The Labs are glad to announce Mover Mini 1.0.

This release includes the following changes from the Mover Mini beta:

  • Now includes Mover Core 3.6, which includes:

    • Better memory management when dealing with many items in low memory conditions.

    • Fixed a bug where the same destination could be reported more than once.

  • The Telemetry sensor sink can now have multiple taps, and can be turned on or off. It is off by default.

  • Verbose logging from the Core has been removed (a Release build is used instead of a Debug one). You can still receive logging from Telemetry-enabled portions of the code (Mover Mini) by turning on the sensor sink or attaching a tap to it, but such logging is now disabled by default.

Update: Oct 11th, 2010

The Labs are glad to announce the Mover Mini beta release.

This release updates Mover Mini to add:

  • THIS LIBRARY IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION. It will raise an exception if used past its expiration date of October 20th, 2010 (which incidentally is when the Labs have planned to release the final version of Mover Mini). Do not deploy apps that include this library to end users.

  • A business model.

  • Advertising views. If the user lingers on the table view, a "Powered by Mover" banner appears in the area above the table. Tapping the banner's "Learn More" button shows an advertising view that covers the entire screen for the "Powered by Mover" program. (Currently, the URL for the Powered by Mover program page redirects to the Mover home page, but this will change in the future.) There are two new delegate methods that inform you of the state of the ad overlay to ensure your app can react to it.

  • Details of the Powered by Mover program will be added in the coming weeks as part of the 1.x release line of Mover Mini. You can participate in it if you want! This will add you to the Powered by Mover ad page. For more information, contact the Labs. Participation in the Program will be free of charge.

Yes, you need to let the ad view and banner display. In exchange, Mover Mini is free.

Update: Oct 5th, 2010

MvrEngine has partial telemetry (logging) support now, and will log many (but not all) interesting events.

Fixed a bug where a MvrTable could become unexpectedly detached from its window. MvrTables should now no longer unattach themselves from the window they're initialized with, but will still not show themselves if then show or showByAddingItem: method is invoked while the window is hidden.

Update: Oct 2nd, 2010


Lots more logging (but structured thanks to Labs Telemetry). Use ⌘F, search for MvrTable, to catch 'em all.

You can now dismiss the table after performing an action (see the new parameter to the action block, or the actionAfterPerforming property of MvrMiniItemAction).

The long version


This version of Mover Mini includes the first steps of Labs Telemetry, a structured and remote (!) logging library. The remote part has not been inserted into Mini, but there are hooks already that you can use to Do Your Thing if you want to. See the newly-made-public ILSensorSink class for more information on how you can intercept and examine structured logging messages (hint: make an object that conforms to the ILSensorSinkTap protocol, then [ILSensorSink sharedSink].tap = object;).

MvrTable has been updated to give extensive logging on user interactions. I know, Mini already puts out a —ton of logging messages, mostly coming from older logging tech in Mover Core (and thus out of the control and purview of Telemetry), but the new tech clearly marks (in a structured way) where the message is coming from. In this release, you will see messages of this kind:

2010-10-02 10:31:47.601 MoverMini-TestApp[2706:207]  -> from (
    content =     {
        animationStyle = 1;
        boundsInWindowForTableOverlay = "{{0, 0}, {320, 480}}";
        currentAction = "did end hiding";
        hidingReason = "user dismissed by tapping background";
        previousStatusBarStyle = 0;
    sessionEventKind = end;

Some hints: "content" is what the table wants to tell you (for example, see the "hidingReason"). Some messages are organized in "sessions" (basically: things that start, do something, then end), and the table produces a session that starts when the table is about to be shown and ends when it has been hidden, so you can track its progression (see sessionEventKinds with start, update and end values). You can track a session from its identifier ("ILSensorSession:0x637b4b0" in this case).

There are also one-off messages which are not organized into sessions; they're still marked as coming from MvrTable though:

2010-10-02 10:31:44.482 MoverMini-TestApp[2706:207]  -> from (
    content = "Selecting item: <MvrMiniItem: 0x63030b0>";
    function = "-[MvrTable setSelectedSlide:]";
    line = 465;

For now, just use Edit > Find > Find… in the run log in Xcode and use MvrTable as a search string to catch all the stuff coming from the table UI. More convenient methods should be available in future updates.

Hiding the table

This one is much easier: you can now hide the table when an action has been performed. If you use a block, you'll do this:

^(MvrItem* item, MvrMiniItemActionAfterPerforming* after) {
    // do stuff
    *after = kMvrMiniItemActionHideTableAfterwards;

and if you use target/action, you'll do this:

- (void) performOnItem:(MvrMiniItem*) item forAction:(MvrMiniItemAction*) action;
    // do stuff
    action.actionAfterPerforming = kMvrMiniItemActionHideTableAfterwards;

The default is to do nothing (kMvrMiniItemActionDoNothing). This changes the signature of action blocks, so you will have to add the second argument above if you're using block actions or your app will not compile against this new version.

Update: Sep 30th, 2010


This update resolves some known issues and extends expiration to October 15th, 2010.

You can now use this library in apps that run on iPad. It will not work (constructor methods return nil), but it will no longer raise exceptions.

You can now use this library in apps that go landscape. Change the animation style of the table to Cover if the app may go landscape while the table is onscreen.

The long version

You can now deploy this library in iPad applications and the library can behave correctly when the orientation changes, provided certain steps are taken.

  • It is no longer necessary to check for the idiom before trying to create MvrTable and MvrEngine objects. Any attempt to access or create instances of these objects will return nil instead if the environment cannot support Mover Mini (for example, on iPad). You can check whether creating instances will work by invoking the [MvrTable canUseMoverTable] class function.

  • The Cover animation style now supports orientation changes. Rotating the device will cause the Cover table to hide. The Slide animation style, which is the default, cannot recover correctly from an orientation change and will throw an exception instead if forced into an unrecoverable situation.

    The Slide animation is more aesthetically pleasant, all in all, and thus remains the default. If you use it you must guarantee that the application will never change its orientation while the table is onscreen. If you cannot guarantee it, you can use the Cover style instead now. (The table is only displayable in a portrait orientation, so landscape-only apps are not supported for now.)

  • The canShowTable property has been added. If the orientation is not right, it will return NO and the show and showByAddingItem: methods will not display the table (although the item will still be added, if given). The table now has a new delegate method that's called when the value of this property has potentially changed. (It may also hide the table at this time, as above.)

The following known issues have changed, but remain:

  • THIS LIBRARY IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION. It will raise an exception if used past its expiration date of October 15th, 2010. Do not deploy apps that include this library to end users.

  • Only iOS 4.0 and later is supported. Do not add this library to an application that may run on iOS 3.x; both the base SDK and deployment target setting must be 4.0 or later. (This library has been built against the 4.1 base SDK.)

This version of Mover Mini has the following important notes:

  • The default animation style for the table (Shift) will manipulate views in your window to produce a "push up" effect. If you use this animation style, you must not modify the origin, add, or remove any direct subview of the window while the Mover table is displayed in it. If you need to modify the origin of, or remove, direct subviews of the window, you can use the alternative Cover animation style, which does not modify those views' origins.

  • Adding subviews to a window while the Mover table is displayed in it will not be supported.

Adding it to your project.

To add Mover Mini to your application, you need to add the files in the "MoverMini" folder to your target. To do so:

  • Drag the "MoverMini" folder itself (not its contents) to the Other Sources group of your project.
  • In the add options dialog, make sure that:
    • The 'Copy Items…' checkbox is checked;
    • The 'Recursively create groups…' option is selected.
    • The checkbox on the right of your app target's entry in the list is checked (so that new items are added to the target).
  • Open your target's settings by choosing Project > Edit Active Target… from the menu.
  • In the Build tab, in the lower right corner, make sure the Based On combo box is set to "MoverMini". (Alternatively, copy and adapt the settings in the MoverMini.xcconfig to your target.)

Using it.

Here are a few pointers to get started. For more detailed information, see the documentation in the headers or in the included "Docs" folder.

How to Send Something through Mover:

To send something with Mover Mini, you add it to the table and let Mover handle the rest.

// let's say it's a PNG image:
#import <MoverMini/MoverMini.h>
#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

// …
NSError* e;
MvrMiniItem* item = [MvrMiniItem itemWithContentsOfFile:pngFileToSend title:@"Some Image!" type:(id) kUTTypePNG userInfo:nil error:&e];
if (item)
    [table showByAddingItem:item];

// the user can then slide the picture with a finger to send it

How to Receive Something:

As long as the Mover Mini engine is running, it will automatically receive stuff for you in the background. The table appears automatically as soon as an item is received.

To get that received stuff from the table, you need to add an action — the user will see actions when touching a received slide. For example, an "Open" action, or distinct "Mail" and "Tweet" actions. The first action you set in the actions array is displayed more prominently (it's the "default action").

Adding actions is simple:

#import <MoverMini/MoverMini.h>

MvrMiniItemAction* openAction = [MvrMiniItemAction
    actionWithTitle:@"Open %(title)"
    replaceFormatSpecifiers:YES // %(title) will become the title of the slide
    actionBlock:^(MvrMiniItem* receivedItem, MvrMiniItemActionAfterPerforming* after) {
        // Do cool stuff with the received item

table.itemActions = [NSArray arrayWithObject:openAction];

To save a MvrMiniItem's contents to a file once you have it:

NSError* e;
if ([item makePersistentByMovingToPath:yourSavePath error:&e]) {

    // yay!

} else { /* error */ }

How to Clean Up after Mover Mini

It's automatic! The table is regularly cleared; once it happens, all temporary stuff will be cleaned up for you. Additionally, all temporary stuff is also cleaned up whenever the engine stops and whenever the application is quit cleanly.

If you want to explicitly clean up, use this:

[table.engine removeAllKnownItems]; // clears the table!

Or you might want the opposite — to not clean up for a while. Use this:

[table.engine retainKnownItems];

// do your (time-consuming) stuff.

[table.engine releaseKnownItems];

Mover Mini is smart enough to do the above in certain situations automatically — it will never clean up while the user is using Mini (for example, when the table is open, or when a transfer is in progress).

How to Control when Mover Mini Transfers are Available

To make Mini available, start the engine:

[table.engine start];

As long as it's running, it will automatically receive stuff over the network. The engine is also started automatically whenever the table is shown. To turn it off, stop it:

[table.engine stop];

This will hide the table, if showing.

How to Control what Arrives

You can specify that you want to limit the Mover engine to only accept certain types of items. (Each item is tagged with a type, an UTI string.)

For example, to set only PNG and JPEG images as allowed, do:

#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

// ... code ...

table.engine.allowedItemTypes = [NSSet setWithObjects:(id) kUTTypePNG, (id) kUTTypeJPEG, nil];

This will silently ignore all other kinds of items. Reminder: you need to set this before the engine starts!

How to Show Icons on the Table

To specify how stuff looks like on the table, you need to register an "item displayer". There's one built-in for UIKit-decodable images; just run this line before you create the table:

[MvrMiniImageDisplayer addDisplayer];

You can make displayers for your own items by making a MvrMiniItemDisplayer subclass, overriding the right methods (see the docs!), then calling +addDisplayer on it before you create your table the first time.
